Thursday, April 13, 2017

Read Across America Week


Monday- Fox in Socks Day
After reading Fox in Socks with the kiddos they created their own Fox puppets. I got the idea from HERE ! 
The kiddos loved making them and definitely enjoyed using their puppets to retell the story. 

Tuesday- The Cat in the Hat Day

I used the app called The Doctor Seuss Camera. It is $.99 in the app store. There is a variety of options and I thought it was definitely worth the $.99. Click here for more information. After taking the students pictures I printed them out and glued them onto the writing prompt from my TPT store. If the Cat in the Hat came to your house, how would you get him to leave? Click HERE for my Free Download! 

Wednesday- Wacky Wednesday
My students absolutely loved Wacky Wednesday! Some of them told me it was the best day ever. My coworker and I made shirts for our whole team, then we decided to make our own tutu to go with the shirts. I designed these shirts myself and they are on Sale in my TPT store. It is very easy to make the shirts! We bought them on sale at AC Moore. We purchased the transfer paper. We printed the design on the transfer paper, cut, then ironed! Super simple! See below for a preview of the other shirts I designed that are included in my TPT document as well. 

Purchase my document HERE

 I decided I wanted my students to have thing shirts as well, but I did not have the money to purchase them shirts. Instead I made them each a necklace. They wore them all day and we got a class picture! These were Free on TPT

Thursday- Green Eggs and Ham Day
Today we celebrated with my own version of green eggs and ham. Every student loved it and we ate every last drop! I made instant vanilla pudding and I put green food dye into it. I purchased a box of Nilla Wafers and used them as the "yolk". 

 My Team purchased T-shirts for today. We purchased them from SunFrog. They say,"I will be a Kindergarten teacher here or there. I will be a Kindergarten teacher anywhere." 

Friday- Sleep Book Day
I decided to make today more like a sleepover day. We started our day with some reading, then we watched The Lorax on Youtube. We watched the original because it is only about 30 minutes long. While the students watched their "movie" we had popcorn and water! 

Later in the day we decided to have fun and the students all decorated their own sugar cookie! 

I know my students had a wonderful Read Across America Week! I am excited to celebrate again next year! 

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