Sunday, May 14, 2017

Happy Mother's Day 2017

Happy Mother's Day to all of our hard working moms! 

This year I had my kindergarteners make the most adorable craft! I am very excited to show how we made them and how easy they were! I hope all of our moms love them as much as I do. I wanted to keep them for myself. 

Step 1: Take the kiddos pictures so it looks like they are blowing a kiss. I had them face sideways and I took the picture from the front. 
Step 2: Cut out all of the students pictures so it is just them blowing the kiss. No background. I just found some good movies to watch and did a few every night. It was done in no time. I used an         X-ACTO knife to cut around. I felt it would be easier then using scissors. I think you could use whatever you are comfortable with. 
Step 3: Paint small poster board to have a background to glue your picture on to. I chose blue paint for everyone. It was easier to not give them a choice. The students painted the background blue. 
Step 4: Glue the pictures onto the blue paper. I used Mod Podge because I know it always words well for me. The kids pictures were printed on thick card stock, so the glue did not wrinkle the paper. 

Step 5: Cut out the hearts that the kids can glue onto their papers. I am a crafty person so I happened to already own heart punches. i just punched out the hearts in advance for the kinders. If I was working with older kiddos, I would let them use the punches. A few of my co-workers did this craft as well, but they used foam heart stickers and regular heart stickers. Use what you have. 

Step 6: Give the kiddos time to glue their hearts onto their posters. Every student got 12 hearts to glue onto their posters. I let them glue them anyway they wanted. It was really cool to see that all 22 of their posters turned out differently. I did mark of with paper where they should put the hearts. This was so no glue got on their pictures. Kindergarteners can be messy. 

Step 7: Let them Dry completely! 
Step 8: I laminated mine because the kiddos worked so hard on them I wanted them to be kept safe! 
**All pictures of this student were shared with parent permission
Step 9: We wrapped them up in paper bags from the grocery store and they were all ready for their moms! 

Here are all of our finished projects! 

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