Friday, May 6, 2016

Book Clubs

In my classroom the students are involved in book clubs that are organized by their level in reading. I love book clubs, it gives the students an opportunity to talk through books with their peers, ask questions, and think deeper into the text. This year I am having my book clubs create posters that represent their books. These posters are created throughout the entire reading of the books. The students started off by writing a prediction. We made a spot on their poster for those to go. The students also created sections for the setting and characters. For every chapter the book club discusses a summary of what happened. They use the SWBS (somebody, wanted, but, so) strategy. The students all take turns and discuss before hand what will be written down. The students also create questions and write sticky notes while they are reading. These are brought to the book club meetings and shared with the group. The sticky notes help guide the book clubs discussions. The students attach their sticky notes to the poster as well. These book clubs are completely student led. They decide how many pages at a time they would like to read and when their meeting days will be. 

Having the poster holds the students accountable for their meeting time and they are able to show me what they were able to cover and what was discussed! 

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