Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Fraction Flags

Today the kiddos had the opportunity to play with fractions and make a cool flag to represent their table group. 

The students were given the directions that they had to pick a fraction. They had to work together with their table group to cut and create their flag. They also had to create a "crest" that had their table number on it. This activity gave the students an opportunity to work on their group work skills. They had to plan, talk, and agree on what they were all going to do. I set them free and did not give any guidance. I wanted to see how they would problem solve and be able to get the activity completed. Some students chose to fold paper, some chose to measure with rulers. It was awesome to see how every group approached this project in a different way. The end results turned out very neat and they are beyond excited to have them hanging in front of their desks. 
Here are pictures of the students working on their flags:

Here are the finished projects:

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